My First Day Of Learning To Code

Siddharth Saxena
Curious Medics
Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2022


After much ado and with the help of my friend, I finally found it within me.

I clicked on the ‘Start this course’ button.

I can’t express how scared I was to take this step, and boy, am I glad that I did.

After all, I was finally learning to code from scratch!

Photo by Braden Collum on Unsplash

I started a free course called ‘Learn JavaScript’ on Codecademy.

Why JavaScript?

I chose JavaScript because it is the language of the web.

It is what most of the internet is coded in.

Image by author

My Experience With Codecademy

This is my first experience with a learning-to-code platform, and I am pleasantly surprised.

The programming interface on Codecademy is very convenient, practical, and inspiring.

There is a ‘Learn’ section, that explains the different programming concepts with examples.

Another is the ‘Programming’ section where you code.

The output of your code is displayed on theTerminal section.



Siddharth Saxena
Curious Medics

Managing Director @Saxena Nursing Home | Doctor | MBBS, AIIMS-D | Mental Health | Writer | Investor | Macroeconomics | Software | Lifestyle