1 Year Ago We Became Digital Nomads —and It Changed Everything

Top 10 takeaways from our life on the road

Breana Wallace


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to step away from the life you’ve created to get some of your freedom back?

To press pause on everything, to go out exploring without limits?…

This year, we decided to run the experiment for ourselves, and we got more than we bargained for. I want to share with you what we’ve learned along the way.

1 year ago on November 23rd, 2019 we decided to radically change our lives. We took a huge chance. We let our apartment lease expire, gave away practically everything we owned, and moved into a 300 sqft RV. We became modern-day nomads.

I could write multiple articles about how and why we ended up in the RV (and probably will), but suffice to say that the sedentary life wasn’t checking the boxes that we wanted our lives to. There was no way I’d be happy living the lives we’d created for another 50+ years. We knew that something had to give.

We spent a few months ideating and prototyping everything we could think of, until we landed where we are today. We’ve gained so much more than the ability to travel as we please. It’s simplified our lives tremendously and helped clarify what we want for the future.



Breana Wallace

Top Writer | UX Designer, Innovator & Mentor to Passionate People | Enjoying my mini-retirement 🏖️ Join Medium Today: https://breanawallace.medium.com/members