10 Children’s Books You Need to Rediscover as an Adult and Why

Spot Eternal Life Lessons in Your Junior Favourites

Devika Malik


Via dribble.com

When we browsed through these books for the first time, we read them as they were. We used to read these texts for just a straight storyline or as a form of entertainment. As a result, we could not connect with the more profound meaning and read between the lines.

Our interpretations were crooked and limited, And our tiny heads did not have the potential to process information. But now we have the experience of a well-lived life that gives us a reformed and diverse perspective. Moreover, it would feel like a carefree day or a warm hug from childhood, along with some much-needed wisdom to sail smoothly through life.

These Baby Books are put down in a way that they have the ability to stimulate the interest of bruised and beaten souls in their 30s or 40s while also inspiring the endless imagination of adults. The stories we read growing up often become engrained in us and impact our narratives.

Back then, it was all black and white; now, it’s time to explore the grey.

Here are just some of my favorite children’s books that wholly overrun the age barriers with their genius narrative and beautiful…

