10 Life Events That Will Strengthen Your Character

Every event in life is a lesson to be learnt

Tom Stevenson


Photo by Jonathan Gallegos on Unsplash

“Oh crap, what do we do now?” Those were the words I uttered last year when I was caught in a blizzard atop a mountain with two of my friends. A seemingly easy hike had turned into a deadly situation with only white in front of us.

I remember thinking that this might be my last moments on this planet. That I might die atop a mountain all because we had failed to prepare for the hike and set off late in the day.

Thankfully, we were able to make it down thanks to our GPS device that guided us through the blizzard. Looking back, I can’t help but realise how perilous the situation was and how lucky we were.

We had only bought the device the day before. Without it, we may not have made it back down alive. After this ordeal, I have a much greater appreciation for life and how fragile it is.

Life is full of events such as this. Some may seem insignificant, while others such as my ill-advised hike will have a much more lasting impact on your psyche.

It’s events that shape us and make us into the person we are today. The repeated failures and striving to learn from them. The heartbreak that forced us to reassess our lives. Or, the trip around the world that changed

