10 Micro-Habits That Can Improve Your Mental Health

Most habits are designed to help us do things quicker. But let’s slow down and focus on some habits to improve our mental health instead.

Asmita Karanje


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

In Aug last year, I had to train a large audience virtually on a subject I knew on the back of my hand. I could present it in my sleep. But when the day came, I was tongue-tied at several points throughout the session.

I was anxious — I was talking so fast, I couldn’t coherently put my sentences together.

Fortunately for me, I had my husband doubling up as my work partner. He observed my speech pattern, and he gave me a lot of feedback. One of them was to breathe and slow down every time I speak. It has immensely improved not just my presentation style but also my outlook while speaking in general.

I have put together a list of 10 such actions that you can take right away to nurture your mental health. These are simple to follow but have a lot of benefits if practiced consciously.

These aren’t about achieving success but about achieving mental peace and a sense of satisfaction — I hope you enjoy reading them.

1. Enable app limits and screen time usage monitoring on all your…

