10 Mindful Tips to Stop a Shame Spiral and Super Charge Your Self Compassion

Using research on compassion and shame, you can shift your narrative around negative thinking.

Kim Buchwald


Photo by Alina Vilchenko from Pexels

The other day I was triggered by something that sent me into a thought spiral. Negativity piled upon negativity and I found myself slipping back into an old habit of wanting to nit pick everywhere I perceived I was not good enough. It started with my body and ended with my character. A deep feeling of shame settled over me as my anxious mind sought to berate my very being, over and over and over again.

When this happens, and if you’re reading this perhaps it’s happened to you, it can feel like there is no way out. You have found yourself in the grips of something deeply painful and deeply vulnerable. Instead of filling that space with love, you engage with the coping mechanism of tearing yourself down.

Suddenly your world becomes trying to get somewhere else, out of the pain you are in. The only problem with this tactic, is you are not somewhere else. You are right here stuck in the middle of thoughts and feelings that seek to make you feel like your worth is conditional upon some external action or accomplishment. Something you did or did not do means to your brain and body, you are not good enough. This…



Kim Buchwald

Writing about the relationship we hold with ourselves. Founder of @theartofgoodenough a platform dedicated to wellness rooted in love and presence.