13 Lessons from 5 Years of Self-Improvement

The best way to make the world a better place is to improve yourself

Alberto Romero



My self-improvement journey began the day I decided to take charge of my life. It was a day like any other for me. I was in my room, lying in bed. It was 5 p.m. I was not sleeping — I was crying, suffering.

Not just from pain, but from impotence. I had social anxiety and it was affecting every corner of my existence. I couldn’t connect my inner world with the outer one. I was trapped inside my thoughts and fears.

I had social anxiety ever since I could remember but it had gotten worse those days. I was suffering more than ever. I was already mature enough to see my life slipping away through my fingers, unable to close my hand to keep it.

But that day, I had a revelation.

It was the first time I imagined my future. How would it be if I didn’t do anything to escape that hell? How could I work? How could I have a healthy relationship? How could I raise a child when I couldn’t even take the lead in my own life?

The fear stopped for a moment. I stopped crying. I felt some inexplicable force within. Something bigger than that moment, bigger than my…



Alberto Romero

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