13 Simple Daily Habits I Do for My Future Self

Your future self will thank you

Crystal Jackson
Published in
7 min readAug 9, 2022


Photo by Luke Jeremiah on Unsplash

I was making my bed one morning over the weekend, and as I smoothed down the sheets, I thought about how good it would feel later to slide into my neat and cozy bed. I don’t often make my bed. Mornings feel rushed, and I often rationalize that I’ll just be getting back into it later. Yet, I know that the simple 5-minute routine at the start of the day could contribute to better sleep that night.

Sometimes, the decisions we want to make in the moment don’t serve our future selves. Throwing our laundry in the floor means it will just have to be picked up later. Wallowing in the pain of a loss could mean that it takes that much longer to heal.

Yet, trauma therapy has taught me that it’s important to feel our feelings in real-time, or we may be forced to feel them as triggers later. We’re challenged to experience our emotions without holding onto them. It may not be what we want most in the moment, but our future selves will thank us.

I began looking at my day to see what simple routines help support my future self — the small things I can do now to make tomorrow better. Here are just a few.

13 Simple Daily Habits to Support Future YOU

Wake Up (A Little) Early

