14 Little Clues that Reveal You’re Not the Person You Used to Be

Here’s how you’ll know you’ve changed.

Leah Njoki


Image by Zigmars Berzins from Pixabay

If you ever want to know whether you’re growing as a person, observe your reactions to the teeny-weeny daily situations. Like your cell phone going flat when you’re expecting a phone call. Or how you speak to someone immediately after you’ve disagreed with another person.

These little clues are mirrors, showing you hues and shades of your personality that you’d not normally see. It’s these little clues that signify how much you’ve changed, that you’re shedding your former self and inventing a version.

For example, you know you’ve changed when you’re not afraid of looking stupid. You also know you’ve changed because…

You’re Developing Claws.

You’re letting yourself meander a bit to see what else is new out there. You’re not afraid to challenge yourself, like traveling solo, moving to a new country, or quitting an addiction. You’re no longer intimidated by people. You see us for who we are: A bunch of insecure humans who are just winging it.

You’re willing to start afresh in your career even though all you can see is a mountain of uncertainty on the horizon. You’re ready for new love because you finally see your freaking…



Leah Njoki

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