15 Reasons Why We Desperately Need the Oxford Comma

The Oxford Comma, our salvation and the meaning of life

Jack Shepherd
Cellar Door


Photo: Pexels

There are many things, both profound and trivial, that should be seen as essential to living a good life, such as our core values, the Oxford comma and cat videos. For my part, I have an idiosyncratic philosophy about what constitutes “flourishing” that is derived from my parents, The Mandalorian and a swarm of bees. The Mandalorian has a simple code that I find immensely appealing, centered in performing the sacred duties that are unique to “The Way,” shooting at Storm Troopers and never taking off your hat. Bees, meanwhile, can teach us values that are less individualistic, grounded as they are in the primary tasks that are essential for any social collective, smelling flowers and servicing the Queen.

Although my moral code is derived from some atypical sources (as opposed to my personal Bible, Kant or yoga), I do not believe that this makes me a bad person, and I reject any arguments that suggest as much — arguments that I gleefully devour trash and refuse. I am similarly opposed to claims that I am inconsistent in my philosophy — claims that I discredit waste and rubbish.

I would like now to address my philosophical influences. I have read Plato, Russell and Craig. I have studied Hume, Lloyd and Levi. I have…



Jack Shepherd
Cellar Door

I have a newsletter about crossword puzzles and a podcast about rom-coms. Formerly editorial director @BuzzFeed. Email: JackAShepherd at gmail