2 Tenets That Will Help You Master Your Life

Julien McLaren
Published in
5 min readDec 10, 2020


Photo by Mark Duffel on Unsplash

The world is oversaturated with self-help gurus and snake oil salesmen. There are dense manuals about how to manifest your dream life or become a millionaire. But how many people do these books help?

The idea of becoming an entrepreneur and generating wealth is mighty attractive but the percentage of people who actually become millionaires is not high. The percentage of people who become entrepreneurs is not high.

Becoming part of the successful self-employment statistic is not easy — if it was, the percentage would be much higher.

I’ve spent the last few years studying successful people and looking for the common attribute that they share. I won’t say I’ve found all of them, but I’ve found some. Today, I’m sharing my findings with you.

Take responsibility for your Life

Marie Forleo says, “If I’m miserable…it is my responsibility because it’s based on what I’m thinking or believing at that moment. It’s not the outside world causing me to feel this, it’s what I’m doing (in my mind) that’s making me have that reaction. If I’m the problem, then I’m also the solution.”

Tony Robbins says, “Life changes the moment you take 100% responsibility for your life.”



Julien McLaren

A Canadian writer sharing his life experiences and lessons learned. Traveller, musician, fitness enthusiast.