3 Crucial Life Questions Happy People Have Already Figured Out

Solving your life riddles might seriously unstick yourself.

Michael Rauscher


Photo by Bruno Bueno from Pexels

Has anyone ever said to you “Stop worrying!” and was it ever helpful? You might worry even more because denying your concerns doesn’t calm your thoughts.

You have the right to worry about your situation but don’t want to fixate on it and get stuck. That’s where journaling comes into play, an activity whose power we underestimate.

Having a physical outlet for your intrusive thoughts helps you get them out of your head, giving you more mental clarity. When you write down what bugs you, you stop the ignorance and confront it.

Some crucial life questions are not asked and not answered in books or study halls. You are a unique being on planet Earth. This means you need to ask the right questions for yourself to find helpful answers to your concerns.

I experienced that answering the following questions triggered my biggest breakthroughs in life. Maybe they can do the same for you.

#1 What do I hate and what do I want instead?

In 2017, I tried to answer the very same question for the first time in my life. I was in a toxic relationship for eight years which I tried…



Michael Rauscher

Self-Improvement • I share ideas, habits, and systems for more mental power, purpose, and performance • Find me on https://michaelrauscher.substack.com/