3 Questions to Ask Yourself to Make a Positive Change in Your Life

If your goals are nothing, you’ll hit them every single time

Nitish Menon


A potrait image of a man smiling in front of a dark background.
Photo by Aatik Tasneem on Unsplash

Setting goals are often misconstrued. They are thought to be boring exercises involving strict deadlines, targets, and milestones with no real reward at the end (unless followed diligently).

Goal setting, however, does not need to sound this boring or demotivating. We all understand its importance, but don’t pay enough attention to how impactful it can be as we progress through life.

Think about your goals. How often do you revisit them once set? You’re not alone. An article on Psychology Today, estimates that ninety-two percent of us generally struggle to stick to our goals.

Being absolutely clear about your goals and expectations can trigger new actions, help guide your focus and sustain a positive momentum in life.

Here are three questions (or 3 W’s) that you need to ask yourself to stay on course and help achieve your goals. They offer better clarity, help you choose and effectively commit to them without double-guessing yourself.

#1) Where

Where are you now? If you were to take a snapshot of your life right now, what would that look like? It’s important that you get a…



Nitish Menon

Marketer writing about business, marketing, strategy, and other experiences from life.