3 Reasons I Want to Quit My Corporate Job (and the Reasons I Convince Myself to Stay)

Avina Nakai
Published in
5 min readJan 21, 2021


I used to carry around a metaphorical ton of resentment towards my job. It was the center of my universe and bled into all areas of my life.

I was Cinderella, and my manager was my wicked stepmother. No matter how much I cooked and cleaned, I was never treated as a member of the family like my stepsisters. I spent days gazing out of the window, waiting for my fairy godmother to liberate me from the prison that was my unremarkable desk.

The Great Pause, AKA 2020, caused me to a complete 180 as it provided me the one thing I never seemed to have enough of before: Time.

Below is a list of reasons I would theoretically quit my job, along with the reasons I’ll stick to complaining about it while I live my best life despite it.

My manager is The Peter Principle personified and I don’t want to go down with his ship

“In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.” ― Laurence J. Peter

The definition of The Peter Principle:

The Peter Principle is an observation that the tendency in most organizational…

