3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Give Into Guilty Vacation Syndrome

In a world that values career above all else, don’t forget about your health and happiness

Dayon Cotton


Photo by Laura James from Pexels

Guilty Vacation Syndrome

There’s something about missing a day's work that gives me a deep feeling of despair in the void of my body.

Recently, my quality of work at my day job is taking a severe hit.

Taking time off from work shouldn’t feel this hard. However, I’m left with few options. Due to a series of increasingly painful migraines, it’s forcing me to abscond from my career duties and leave my work in the hands of others. It’s forcing me to delegate some of my responsibilities, add to the stress of an already minimized workforce, and negatively impact everyone involved. Plus, with social distancing restrictions in place, we can only have so many people at work at a time.

In retrospect, I should feel pretty good about receiving time off. I’m still getting paid on time, and it’s allowing me to address a critical medical issue that’s preventing me from living my life. Plus, it allowed me to indulge in the rare happiness of enjoying my own free time. And to be honest, it’s nice to spend time doing things I enjoy while I recover.



Dayon Cotton

I write dope articles about social issues, life lessons, and living a better life, dayon1020@gmail.com, Follow My Twitter! @dayoncotton00, Active Duty US Navy