3 Timeless Lessons on Structuring Your Thinking from Sherlock Holmes

Structured thinking is the most useful skill you can build today.

Vishal Kataria


how to structure your thinking
Photo by Michal Vrba on Unsplash

“If you can’t communicate, it’s like winking at a girl in the dark — nothing happens. You can have all the brainpower in the world, but you have to be able to transmit it.” — Warren Buffett

Much of your progress in your career depends on your ability to communicate your ideas and thoughts in ways that get things done.

If you struggle with this, it’s not because you lack a vocabulary that rivals an author’s. It’s more likely that you cannot convey your thoughts lucidly enough for your listener or reader to understand. This often is a result of being unable to structure your own thoughts.

Structured thinking is about breaking a problem into simpler parts, methodically addressing each of them, and piecing them together to achieve the outcome. It helps you develop clarity in thinking and communication.

Without the ability to structure your thinking, you’ll struggle to recreate your ideas in someone else’s mind. You’ll complicate things to the level that working on them becomes unsustainable. You’ll…



Vishal Kataria
Writer for

I write to teach myself and hit “Publish” when I think it might help you.