3 Ways To Quiet Your Mind In A Noisy, Chaotic World

You don’t have to rely on meditation

Barry Davret


Licensed from Shutterstock // Fizkes

It was 1 AM, and the noise wouldn’t stop. It crept into our bedroom — the tapping of a hammer against a pipe in a rhythmic but disjointed pattern, just loud enough to prevent us from falling asleep. For the third time, I went downstairs to pinpoint the source and again found no answers.

Desperate to do something, I shut off the main water valve. By some miracle, the rattling ceased. Relief. A plumber came the next morning, diagnosed the problem, and fixed it.

That persistent rattling reminded me of the noise that now permeates our minds. It’s not a pounding drum-banging noise, just a soft rattle caused by the constant drip of crisis and vitriol. No valve will turn it off, and no plumber can fix it.

For some, meditation has provided a path to quiet their minds. But for others, like me, it has only dialed up the angst. My last and final go at it ended when I chucked a pair of headphones at the wall and deleted the app from my phone. Twenty minutes a day for six months, and all it did was mimic the effect of a caffeine IV drip.

Fortunately, other options exist. Over the last few years, I’ve been experimenting with tools to quiet my mind, and have experienced some success. The past few months…



Barry Davret

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