4 Lessons From Thich Nhat Hanh That Will EaseYour Anxiety

Meditations on rest, relaxation, and recovery

Nick Baldomar
Published in
5 min readFeb 8, 2021


Anxiety is often demonized for being the dream killer. It steals you away from your goals and is the culprit of your mental blockages. It slows your efficiency with doing the things that you love. It eats away at your happiness and influences how you present yourself to the world. Luckily, you aren’t left to your own devices on debunking this classic symptom so many of us experience daily.

Thich Nhat Hanh is one of the most well-known Zen teachers to date. He has authored many books on happiness, peace, meditation, and mindfulness. The lessons I’m about to share with you are from his book How To Relax published by Parallax Press in 2015. This is small book covers short meditations on relaxation, rest, and quelling anxious thoughts.

If you’re anything like me, you get anxious. Sometimes it’s at the worst times — you just hopped in bed and are about to sleep. Or maybe it's when you’re about to start writing that new article. Whatever the case, anxiety is detrimental. It deters you from your dreams, sucks the joy out of your life, and creates a barrier between you and your focus.

Imagine allowing anxiety to rule the rest of your life. Five years pass from today, and you still haven’t written…



Nick Baldomar

I am fascinated by the mind and inspired by human potential. Enticed by synergistic thinking. Continually searching for enhanced clarity and creativity.