4 Simple Emails You Should Send Every Week

Plus one you should send every day

Michael Thompson


I used to despise email. That changed, however, when my wife asked me an interesting question: “How did you feel about it when you first started using it?”

In a flash, I was transported back to my freshman year of college. My buddies and I would huddle around one of the few computers in the library taking turns sending messages to our high school girlfriends who went to other schools. We thought it was rad. And don’t get me started on how giddy I used to feel when the old PC warmed up and meowed “You’ve got mail.”

But much like our girlfriends at the time, the love affair with email came to an end. As the years passed, it became a thorn instead of a rose.

A few years ago, however, when my wife asked me about my first impression she got me thinking about all the good things it has brought into my life.

Yes. Email can be a pain.
Yes. Your inbox can be interpreted as “other people’s to-do list.”
Yes. Marketers talk more than they listen.

But it can also be a glorious tool to tighten your relationships and mobilize your career. In fact, since my family and I traded in city life in Barcelona for the Catalan countryside, email has turned into…



Michael Thompson

Co-creator of two cool kids • Storytelling Coach •.Fast Co., Insider, Forbes • Free storytelling guide here: https://bit.ly/3h1KZeT