5 AM Club is Everything Wrong with the Self-Help World

From someone who’s read 100+ self-help books

Shreya Badonia 🧨


Image by rawpixel.com

I respect Robin Sharma.

He knows what he’s talking about, and I can’t deny how much I have enjoyed his work. I, in fact, did a 90-minute long discussion about his first book, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.

After seeing his posts about how much thought and effort he’s putting in his 5 AM Club Book and all behind the scene of his upcoming book, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it.

Every day he’d say he has added everything he knew about motivation, life, and success in that. He proudly promoted the book as his best work so far. So I ordered the book the next day it was available on Amazon India.

The book was better than I had expected it to be. The modules and diagrams were practical and helped me retain the information. The pie-chart made it accessible and easy to digest. The story he recited to carry forward these learnings was also decent.

I finished the book in 3 days, and I woke up at 5 AM for a week.

I’d get up, follow the 20/20/20 method, go back to sleep until 8.30 AM to get up again and get ready for work. Needless to say, my routine was screwed.



Shreya Badonia 🧨

Multi-passionate creator | visual thinker living an island life 🏝️ Join my weekly newsletter 📣 https://shreyasls.substack.com/