How Bill Gates Reads More Books Than Everyone Else

A reading list that will inspire you to think differently.

Matt Lillywhite


Photo via Flickr

I’ve recently noticed that I have an increasing amount of things in common with Bill Gates. Unfortunately, I’m not talking about having a billion dollars in my checking account. Instead, I’m referring to a genuine love of reading that inspires me to think differently about the world.

How do I continuously find new and exciting books to read? By paying attention to recommendations from passionate readers, such as Bill Gates, and then reading them as soon as I get an opportunity.

So below are several interesting books that Bill Gates has recommended. Each of them changed the way I see the world, and I’m confident they will do the same for you, too.

The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration In The Age Of Colorblindness, by Michelle Alexander.

The events of 2020 have undoubtedly made everyone more aware of the issues faced by communities of color in the US and around the entire world.

In this book, Michelle explains the data and history behind mass incarceration and how it has negatively impacted black communities in the United States.



Matt Lillywhite

Full-time storyteller. Want to talk about writing? I'm offering video calls for people who sign up to my Substack.