5 Common Myths That Don’t Work to Have High Self-Esteem and Achieve Happiness

We are not designed to be always happy

Desiree Peralta


Photo by Fernando Cabral from Pexels

The other days I received a comment from a person in an article he wrote about how to avoid negative thoughts: “It is impossible for someone to always be happy, so this article will not help me”. After a lot of research, I realize that unfortunately, he was right.

Even if we want to, human beings cannot always be happy and with good self-esteem. No matter how well life is going, there will always be a day when we don’t feel up to it or don’t feel like we’re doing the right thing, and that’s normal.

You will find a multitude of books, articles, videos, and courses on how to improve your self-esteem. Unfortunately, most of them are based on ideas that have shown no real efficacy. In fact, some of them are even bad advice that will affect mental health.

That is why in this article I will show you 5 myths that do not work to have high self-esteem or achieve happiness according to science so you never fall back into those false advice again.

1. “Always Look for the Positive Side”

Whenever I am sad and I am telling the reasons and what I think to a friend, one of them will always come with this advice…



Desiree Peralta

Turning ideas into reality. Programmer by profession, Writer by passion. Finance and business advice. | Weekly money advice https://dessyperalt.substack.com/