5 Hidden Signs You’re Doing Better Than You Think You Are

You don’t change in breakthroughs. You change in small shifts.

Michael Rauscher


Foto von Andrea Piacquadio von Pexels

One of those days again: You sit at your desk, want to achieve something worthwhile, but you can’t just start. An invisible force seems to hold you back.

Instead, you grab your phone, scroll a bit, and wait for inspiration that rarely comes.

If you recognize yourself in this scenario, you’re not alone. When I fell in love with writing, I wrote page after page for 1,5 years without publishing any. I felt more comfortable in my bubble than exposing my writing to the world. Eventually, I allowed my irrational fears to stop me from writing.

Back then, reading the work of Ayodeji Awosika felt like a slap in my face:

“We achieve nothing of consequence nor do we enjoy the present moment. We completely mismanage our time.”

— Ayodeji Awosika

I needed clarity, so I decided to put myself out there. Nothing bad happened the moment I started publishing. In fact, the opposite was the case. People reached out to me to describe how they outperformed themselves.



Michael Rauscher

Self-Improvement • I share ideas, habits, and systems for more mental power, purpose, and performance • Find me on https://michaelrauscher.substack.com/