5 Little-Known Signs Someone Is Worth Your Time and Energy

Life’s too short to spend it with the wrong people.

Moreno Zugaro


Image by Nikola Pešková from Pixabay

Connecting with others can be a huge source of joy, but also means investing time and energy — and as any good investor, you want to get the most bang for your buck.

New friendships are like wine. No matter how fancy the bottle, if there was contamination in the beginning, it will turn into sour vinegar. You don’t want to pour blood, sweat, and tears into something only to flush it down the drain.

But if you screen people right, you can forge a strong connection that lasts a lifetime — here are five signs someone’s worth bonding with.

They Share This Characteristic with Dogs

Have you ever noticed how a dog gets excited if you act like something awesome happened, even though they have no clue what’s going on? They’re happy because you’re happy — which is one of the most accurate indicators of a true friend.

When I got into writing and coaching, most people were supportive. They encouraged me, wanted to know more, or even offered to reach out to someone who had taken the same path so I could ask a few questions. However, there was one guy who didn’t share the euphoria.



Moreno Zugaro

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