5 Takeaways from My Most Productive Year Ever

And how you can say the same about 2021

Kolina Cicero


As one is wont to do this time of year, I’ve been reflecting on everything I accomplished, what I didn’t achieve but hoped to, and how I can do better next year.

Yes, 2020 was an absolute shitstorm. But — and I realize the privilege that comes with this statement —it was a good year for me. I didn’t lose anybody I love (though I did lose my job), my and my family’s wellbeing have not been put on the line, and I’ve had the most productive year since graduate school.

I won’t bore you with a comprehensive tally of my achievements, but I will give you some context as to what I mean when I say 2020 was a productive year for me:

In analyzing how I accomplished everything above, I’ve identified some trends that contributed to each of them. Here are five takeaways from my productive year. Use them, tweak them, and make 2021 your best year

You need to know what you want

