5 Unusual but Powerful Ways to Live a Happier Life

Powerful mental shifts only a few people exploit.

Michael Rauscher


Photo by Samson Katt from Pexels

Do you know these people who create the impression of being lottery winners? They radiate success, happiness, and kindness the moment they enter a room.

Maybe it is because they see life as if they have won the lottery of being a human being on Earth. They don’t depend on any outside circumstances to be energetic.

Happy people know that happiness is the result of specific thoughts and actions. These people have obtained certain habits that contribute massively to their energy, success, and happiness.

They don’t mind other people’s agendas.

Happy people are creating their own plans. I’m not talking about making goal plans. I’m talking about a vision that pushes you to live an active and self-designed day, week, month, year, life.

People always try to project their goals and unrealistic expectations on us. At the same time, we copy other people’s ridiculous goals thinking they could be “our thing” too. Think for a second about what truly motivates or challenges you. You might

  • picture yourself in an uncomplicated, easy, and frugal life,
  • find purpose in a burning desire to…



Michael Rauscher

Self-Improvement • I share ideas, habits, and systems for more mental power, purpose, and performance • Find me on https://michaelrauscher.substack.com/