5 Unusual Ways to Give Your Mind a Break When Rest Is Not Working

“Just take the day” is not always enough.

Desiree Peralta


These last few weeks have been incredibly difficult for me. As much as I tried to focus on my business, I just couldn’t sit down and work. My mind was in the clouds, and in general, I felt overwhelmed.

Around the internet, you find tips on how to prevent burnout and recover from being “too productive,” but most of them say the exact same thing: just take a break.

However, resting for one day or two is not always enough. I spent the entire week doing just the bare minimum, I took a break from my side hustles, and I even went to a luxury resort for a weekend.

However, on Monday, I still couldn’t do anything.

So how do you give your mind the rest it needs when “just take a day” doesn’t work? Sometimes, your body does not need to sleep more or regulate what you eat but to restructure your life again. These tips helped me to put my mind in order again.

1. Completely delete your “productivity routine.”

My days comprised getting out of bed, going to the bathroom, and then to my desk pretty much all day, every day. I even stopped using my phone while working to avoid distractions.



Desiree Peralta

Turning ideas into reality. Programmer by profession, Writer by passion. Finance and business advice. | Weekly money advice https://dessyperalt.substack.com/