5 Ways to Live Life as Your Own Main Character

Be the protagonist, not the passive bystander

Katie Jgln


Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

I lived part of my life on autopilot.

I was in the passenger seat, and someone else was driving the car.

I was just sitting there, watching my life unfold behind my eyes, feeling like I had little to no control over what was happening. As if my life story was already written from the beginning until the end, and I was a mere spectator.

And let me tell you one thing: it’s NOT a great way to live life. It’s not really living. It’s existing, at best.

I let my parents’ and societal expectations have power over me and my life for far too long, at the detriment of my happiness. Many people live their entire lives with a similar outlook, swallowing their opinions and giving voice to others instead.

But at some point, I snapped out of it. I realised I was miserable. I realised I was no longer the main character of my own life. It wasn’t even my life I was living.

It’s not the easiest to find your way back to the driver’s seat, but it’s not impossible either. Here are five ways you can live as the protagonist in the story of your life:

1. Exist on your own terms



Katie Jgln

Social scientist pushing for better humanity. London based. Also at: https://thenoosphere.substack.com