5 Ways to Make Grounding Work for an Overactive Mind

How I use barefoot walking to restore my mental clarity during the pandemic

Yan Huang


I have always been described as an overthinker. And I don’t like that adjective. It was my “trigger” word as it made me feel ostracized and misunderstood. As a counter-productive measure, those words “stop overthinking” made my mind work harder to “think”, accentuating the turns of my mental cogwheels.

With the uncertainty of the ongoing Covid-19 situation still looming over my head, those overwhelming thoughts, brain fog, and poor decision-making are slowly creeping back again.

My usual grounding practice ceases to work…

I am fortunate that I live just 3 minutes by foot to a small beach, where I can just sit by the sand or a bench, staring out into the blue sky and sea lined up with container ships. Sometimes I will walk along the shoreline. Usually, this helps to clear my mind and get my mental energy back, but lately, it has stopped working for me effectively.

Perhaps it is the blues of the ocean and skies that my mind got used to or perhaps it is too “Neptunian” as vast waters tend to evoke more illusions, dreams, and abstract mystical thoughts — great when one needs a mind holiday to de-stress…



Yan Huang

Building connections one word at a time. | Bylines in few start-ups | Cancer survivor at 23 | More stories at http://yuyanhuang.substack.com