6 Questions to Ask Yourself If You’re Unhappy With Your Life but Don’t Know Why

Increasing your self-awareness can go a long way to figuring out what needs to change.

Samantha Blake


I have exactly one childhood friend. Throughout my life I’ve moved several times, and though I met and befriended people all over, she’s the only one who’s known me my whole life.

As you can imagine, she knows me the best and sometimes sees what I can’t.

About five years ago, we were having lunch when she asked me out of the blue if I was really, truly happy. And instead of answering yes with a list of reasons why, like I thought I would, I randomly burst into tears.

“I don’t know. I can’t tell anymore. I don’t know what’s bad about my life, but this isn’t how I want to feel.”

Through my tears, this was about all I could muster. I didn’t know what needed to change, but right then and there was when I realized my life didn’t feel like mine anymore.

After that, I started soul-searching, researching, and asking questions. I knew I wasn’t alone, and I wanted to know how to make my life better.

Research shows that increasing self-awareness can help with figuring out what steps to take to improve your life.



Samantha Blake

Writer & certified professional life coach for women. Making a change through words and the power of human connection. Work with me here: www.shethewarrior.net