7 Traits of Highly Likable People

If you have these qualities then you’ll be everyone's best buddy

Alberto Romero



In the middle of the pandemic we don’t have many options to meet new people. But sooner or later we’ll go out again to socialize. We’ll have to relearn the laws of human interaction.

This social pause is the best time to reflect on how you forge new relationships and how you can make nice first impressions.

Those who best get along with others often present some features that make them likable to anyone. They are those that you want to hang out with more. Those that make you feel good just by being with them.

These people are not aliens; they are like you and me. What makes them special is that they have built a set of good qualities that make them ideal buddies.

Here I’ll share the 7 features that I’ve seen again and again in these people.

You can borrow them and build your character around them without changing who you are. Your relationships will flourish and you will feel way better with yourself.

Take the smaller slice of pizza

“No one has ever become poor by giving.”

— Anne Frank



Alberto Romero

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