8 Self-Love Practices You Should Include In Your Life

Be the love you need and deserve

Shreya Badonia 🧨
Published in
6 min readMar 4, 2021


Valentine's Day was last month, and I could see the excitement everywhere. The fact that we need to celebrate love still boggles me, but there’s a sublime relationship of love we miss to celebrate every day.

Can you guess which one?

I am talking about the relationship you share with yourself.

You may find it corny, and this fact makes it more appropriate for you to celebrate the relationship you share with yourself. If you haven’t done it before, I present you with eight ways to do so.

1. Trust Your Timeline

It’s a human tendency to compare ourselves with other people.

You can be jealous of others' wealth, their perfect life, or their relationships — especially when it’s valentine’s week. When you compare yourself to other people, you jeopardize your capabilities and doubt the possibilities. You become oblivious to your life and the pace of it.

For years, I compared myself to people who wrote better than me and those who were more successful than me. It didn’t help me in any possible way; in fact, it left me bitter and hopeless.



Shreya Badonia 🧨
Writer for

Multi-passionate creator | visual thinker living an island life 🏝️ Join my weekly newsletter 📣 https://shreyasls.substack.com/