9 Signs of a Vulnerable Narcissist

The surprising blue face of the narcissism spectrum

Crystal Jackson
Published in
7 min readMar 6, 2023


Photo by Cas Holmes on Unsplash

Researchers who have investigated the relationship between self-esteem and narcissism discovered something curious. While the grandiose narcissist generally is associated with high self-esteem, the vulnerable narcissist often reports low self-worth.

It might surprise you to know that narcissism is considered to fall on a spectrum. There’s a bright face, a dark face, and a blue face of narcissism. The bright face is associated with the positive aspects of narcissistic character — high self-confidence, charm, self-efficacy, and assertiveness. The dark face of narcissism is associated with the negative side of narcissism — aggression, entitlement, and manipulation. The blue face of narcissim represents side that is fragile, depressed, anxious, and paranoid.

The extreme grandiose narcissist has traits of hubris and exhibitionist tendencies while the extreme vulnerable narcissist has traits of defensiveness and resentment. The vulnerable narcissist is reported to most embody the blue face of the narcissism spectrum. The fragile nature of the vulnerable narcissist’s ego is one reason they may sneak through our defenses in the first place.

9 Signs You’re Dealing with a Vulnerable Narcissist

