Image credits: Ksenia Chernaya

9 Tips to Read More Books (and Learn the Most From Them)

Ferry Hoes
Published in
4 min readJan 19, 2021


It’s rumored that between 618 and 907 AD — The period of the Tang Dynasty — the first printing of books started. Although the spoken language is much older, reading has “always” been an important part of how we share knowledge and absorb new information.

In an age of endless digital information, we can feel overwhelmed and actually learn less from the information overload we get on a daily basis. That’s why I personally committed to reading physical books on a daily basis and with the sole purpose of learning.

I have found ways to read more books even during the busiest of days and also learn as much as I can from every chapter I read. Here are some tips from personal experience that will help you build the habit of reading AND learning on a daily basis:

  1. Pick a couple of books on different topics that you wish to learn about or read into. Having a diversity of topics decreased the chance of you getting bored of one topic. If you really wish to get into 1 specific topic (say: psychology or marketing) make sure to mix books that cover different angles of the same topic. This will increase the chances of you gaining new insights and link one book to another.
  2. Determine a timeframe for daily reading. I personally recommend one hour. That’s long enough to really get into it…



Ferry Hoes
Writer for

My name is Ferry, an entrepreneur from Rotterdam (the Netherlands) working and the intersection of Humans and Technology. Also, I publicly speak about it!