A Japanese Grandmother’s Punny Yet Practical Advice on How to Feel Young and Fresh Forever

An organic and simple way to find your life’s purpose

Kaki Okumura
Published in
6 min readDec 14, 2020


Illustrations by Kaki Okumura

“I feel like I’m living in a dream, and I don’t like it.”

I was eating dinner with my mom at home, and kind of blurted it out: “I feel like I’m living in a dream, and I don’t like it”. It wasn’t a serious comment, just something I wanted someone else to relate to.

It’s odd because dreams usually imply a positive experience, but these days, I was missing my reality. It was like falling asleep in March and suddenly waking up in December, but by tomorrow came, the day before also felt like it never really happened. Am I going insane? My memories felt far and my mind felt dull, like a streaky window that wouldn’t quite become clear no matter how many times I tried to wash it.

At first my mom was silent and I thought she wasn’t going to say anything, or maybe she would tell me that I was being silly, but instead she gave me a thoughtful look, and eventually responded,

“You know, that reminds me of a newspaper article I read a while ago. I can’t quite pinpoint where, but it was about this 90-year-old grandmother, and she was giving an interview on how to live well and be…



Kaki Okumura

Born in Dallas, raised in New York and Tokyo. I care about helping others learn to live a better, healthier life. My site: www.kakikata.space 🌱