After Living In 20 Cities: Here Is What Makes A City Great

Hyperlocal, green, happy



Photo by Bastien Nvs on Unsplash

Cities should be smart, efficient spaces where we have everything at our doorstep. At least, in theory, or if you are lucky enough to live in the nicer areas of your town.

Some cities feel more accommodating than others, and they all have different characters. But one thing is for sure: You suffer when a city is built for cars, industry, or anything else other than people.

You suffer when a city is built for cars, industry, or anything else other than people.

Cities are supposed to be efficient, yet people travel too much to work, for a night out, for a meal. All that traveling around doesn’t exactly scream efficiency.

Access — to opportunity, to urban amenities, to variety, and to other people — is why people choose to live in cities.- 15-minute city

I have spent my adult life hopping between cities, living a few months in each. Before that, my family moved a lot too. That was way less fun, but now I get to choose where I go.

My quest is to find my perfect home, which I believe to be one of those impossible challenges, where eventually you realize that home is in you(?) Or something like that. I…




Solarpunk, ecological economist🪐 Rethinking culture, future, equality, science, climate 🌍 Big Picture& Brand Naming📧 For projects: