Are You Throwing Your Mistakes In The Garbage?

Isn’t it time you start recycling those instead?

Matt Hogan


Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash

“A man may make mistakes, but he isn’t a failure until he starts blaming someone else.” ~ John Wooden, via MoveMe Quotes

In the delicate moments following a mistake lies a choice that must be made carefully. Either we accept the weight of the mistake and mold the accompanying insight into a useful companion—or we shed ourselves of the weight of the mistake and spinelessly litter those around us with its remnants.

Choosing how to handle a mistake is similar to how we might handle a recyclable as we approach a trash can coupled with a recycling bin.

Mistakes, when reflected upon carefully and deliberately, always have recyclable components. Even the worst mistakes aren’t altogether un-recyclable — if nothing else, the minimum viable insight for what can be recycled is what doesn’t work. Which, should never be discounted as credible insight. Thomas Edison would attest to this thought.

The person who chooses to recycle the insight gained from a mistake back into their understanding is the person who chooses to recycle their recyclables.

Mistakes, when taken personally or when met with ego, anger, frustration, carelessness, or spinelessness — get chucked to the…



Matt Hogan

I help busy people do inner work. Specifically find alignment, build discipline, and uncover joy. Read my daily musings at