Atomic Habits: My Key Takeaways

What I learned from reading Atomic Habits

Ale Patrón


Recently, I read James Clear’s popular book Atomic Habits. As I was reading, I took some notes on things I thought I should remember to apply in my everyday life. Building good habits—and losing bad ones—can be difficult, but simple techniques, like the ones presented in Atomic Habits, can help ease these processes. Below, I share 4 of my key takeaways from reading this amazing book.

Progress is not linear

It is very easy to lose motivation when we don’t obtain the results we want; sometimes we may feel as though we’ve put too much effort trying to achieve something, without actually seeing any positive outcomes. This is a trap that may lead us to fall into the valley of disappointment, and that is why it is very important to remember that progress is not linear. Success is the result of daily efforts—even tiny ones—that will lead to remarkable results in the long term.

“Success is the product of daily habits — not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.” — James Clear

