
We each have an authentic, true self, however attuned we may or may not each be to exactly what that is. Our true self knows deeply — somewhere — what it is that fulfills us, and feels “true”; and conversely, what deadens other parts of ourselves, or feels “false”. When we align ourselves with truth, we begin to “become”.

Anthony Fieldman


Tiger swallowtail, post-transformation © Anthony Fieldman 2010

Let’s start with what becoming is not. It is not is a rejection of who one is today, even while it focuses on something beyond our current paradigm. That is, becoming does not imply that there is a deficiency in us to overcome. This is important, because rejecting any part of who we are right this minute — emotional, social or circumstantial — is part of the problem. Doing so seeds what Dr. Theodore Rubin, M.D. would call self-hate. And self-hate is a grave impediment to thriving, including our own development toward authentic and resonant self-realization.

Rather, becoming is a multi-stage process. Its first milestone is the full acceptance of oneself. From that place of strength, we can engage in the natural process of discovery, aimed inward. The positive outcomes that are nearly guaranteed to flow from this kind of harmonious synthesis are a kind of byproduct, and…



Anthony Fieldman

Architect | Photographer | Writer | Philosopher | Polyglot | Windmill Jouster | Nomade Civilisée