Could You Travel More If Your Car Was Your Bed?

Buying, Build Out, And Everything In Between

Ric Burnett


If you were to ask us a year ago where we would be right now, we couldn’t have told you we’d be traveling the US. But life doesn’t always work out the way you plan. Sometimes you’ve got to get creative. After we realized traveling the world wasn’t an option, we changed gears. Looking into the cost and ways to limit stress, we decided building a car bed would allow us to travel farther and longer.

We Bought A Car

First and foremost, we didn’t buy a new car. One of the major priorities for us was to make sure we remained within our budget we’d set out. But how do you find a car fit to travel the US without buying new? You’ve got to research.

Our first steps took us to Craigslist. We started looking with the understanding we had to be careful. Not buying from a dealer runs all kinds of risks, but that doesn’t mean you won’t find some gems. Here are some tips to help:

  • Set your max and minimum price, then add 5% to your top price: If you’re like us, you probably could spend a little more than you would like and be…



Ric Burnett
Writer for

Looking to find my place in the world and using experiences as guidance. Traveling, talking about life, and personal growth drive me.