Cancel Them All — The World Would Do Just Fine With Fewer Influencers

They’re dragging us all down.

Jessica Wildfire


Photo by Joshua Rondeau on Unsplash

Maybe you’ve heard of Charli and Dixie D’Amelio. They’ve made millions of dollars from TikTok videos and endorsement deals. Their dad was already worth $2 million, and he recently ran for state senate on the republican ticket. That should give you a fairly decent idea of who we’re talking about. If they ever invited me over for dinner, I’d give it a hard pass. I’ve spent enough of my life acting polite around entitled parents and their kids, listening to them go on and on about their high IQs or how difficult it is being so much smarter than everyone around them. I used to work in gifted education in whitelandia, and it was truly soul-wrenching.

Here’s the thing about influencers: They keep getting into trouble. They usually deserve at least some of that trouble, since it comes in the form of backlash against their obnoxious behavior. The other thing about influencers, their apologies are often even worse than their original offense. They’re so bad, SNL makes fun of them.

The other day I made a joke to my spouse, “Rachel Hollis is apologizing again.” He said, “I’ll start the popcorn.”

Yesterday I watched a video where the D’Amelio family had another influencer named James Charles over for dinner. The…

