

The one resource none of us have control over is time.
When observing different individuals, it is evident that some have found a secret sauce for optimizing their flow of time.
Ive tried thinking what the fundamental and underlying tools for utilizing time are, and I have come to realize that it all drills down to clarity.

Clarity is the most efficient tool to utilize time with.

When we truly understand and passionately feel what we desire, and how we wish to live our lives, there seems to be some kind of flow that expands our sense of time and enhances our control over how the events in our life unfold through time.

clarity is akin to a clear lens through which reality can be perceived with precision and depth, enabling profound insights, wise decision-making, and a deeper connection with the fundamental truths of your personal existence.

The question is, how do we achieve this quality of clarity?

Just like the analogy of clarity being like a clear and fresh lens through which we can “see better”, I believe that an optimized brain and body through which we can “explore better” is the way to achieve a life filtered through clarity.

What do i mean by that?

The first thing needed to be done to find clarity is to make sure that the medium between the external world and your inner world is functioning at it’s optimal state. That medium is of course, your brain and body.

We are striving to balance our sense of self, seeking ease and happiness that comes from a life of flow without unnecessary internal conflicts. The brain and body are the vessels through which we experience life, and I cant think of anything more important than treating them with the utmost respect and care.

I aim to craft a brain that continuously seeks out new information and embraces the virtue of humility, enabling the removal of mental clutter blocking the paving of new neural pathways. This will help me break free from repetitive thought patterns that lead to confusion and waste my precious mental energy. I want my brain to naturally generate questions and to be trained for deeply contemplating life’s challenges while constantly updating my patterns of thought.

I want to shape my body to move with flow, dance gracefully with life’s rhythm, and remain attuned to its true desires. The body inherently understands; it’s just a matter of fine-tuning my ability to listen.

Building a strong and resilient brain and body, capable of adapting and flowing while maintaining the crucial sensitivity to discern what’s important (“Separating the wheat from the chaff”), is a continuous journey. However, there will come a moment in time in which you will cross a certain threshold of having a healthy brain and a joyful body. Suddenly, it will seem as though time stretches before you, granting you the cognitive ability to fully experience each moment, rather than being overwhelmed by thoughts of how to spend your time on earth.

Time fused with clarity = A life well experienced.



Fueled By Curiosity - Tehila Pelled

A 23 year old that is in a constant state of curiosity. I am fascinated by humanity and anything that emerges from this existence..