Find Your Discipline So That You Can Find Your Freedom

Published in
9 min readFeb 5, 2021


Why you’ll never be truly free unless you find your discipline.

In life, I’m always in search of a feeling. A feeling that has nothing to do with what car I own, how much money I have in my bank account, or how many followers I have on social media.

This feeling that I’m looking for is success. It’s achievement. It’s fulfillment. And more so than anything else, it’s freedom.

It’s so easy to be great nowadays, because most people around us are stuck in their hypnotic rhythms, permanently enslaved by their desires and constant cravings for more. They are enslaved by their 9–5 job, their phones, their TV shows, their comfortable couches, and their desire for instant gratification.

Sleeping in every day, failing to get that workout in, and caving in to a craving the second it arises. These are all examples of lacking discipline, and it is destroying us, little by little, day by day.

The worst part is that there is no one to blame but ourselves. We know that getting up early and getting that workout in, or holding the line on our food intake, or saying no to that addiction that we suffer from could dramatically change and improve our lives. Yet how many of us are ever actually able to make that life lasting change?



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Chainlink Node Operations, AWS, Splunk Professional Services Consulting.