Do You Have the Aptitude to Quit

The question isn’t ‘how to quit your…’ but rather why and what

Chetna Jai
Published in
5 min readJun 7, 2021


Two way door decisions allow you to quit
Photo by Harrison Haines from Pexels

No one desires to quit. According to society’s standards, it’s discrediting — loser with a capital L to the forehead.

“The struggle is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.” — Lance Armstrong

Nothing is further from the truth than the above quote. There is no shame in quitting intentionally or strategically. It may look like taking that one step before failing. It’s not even the thing you do to avoid failure. It’s your intuition that warns you not of impending doom but of going down the wrong path. Seth Godin on ‘strategic quitting’ says, “The biggest obstacle to success in life, as far as I can tell, is our inability to quit soon enough.”

When you talk about quitting, one or more of the following leap to mind:

  • Quit smoking
  • Quit a job
  • Quit a relationship
  • Quit bad habits
  • Quit living someone else’s life
  • Quit saying yes

My husband’s nickname should have been ‘Yes Man’ — he was notorious for saying yes to everyone and for everything. Eventually, he also got to a point where his yeses dried out. It’s more common now for people to consider…



Chetna Jai

My external words are the inner me. I value freedom, travel and change. Always contemplating the philosophy of life.