Double-Dipping for Productivity

Marie F. Jones
Published in
5 min readNov 11, 2020


Prioritize tasks that advance multiple goals

Photo by Evan Reimer on Unsplash

I am feeling remarkably goal-driven these days. I thought I had finished big goal setting about 5 years ago when I started my current job. What do you do when you are fifty-something years old and have fulfilled the big picture life goals you envisioned at twenty-something? Sure, I have some bucket list items and would love to lose some weight, but those goals didn’t feel very motivating.

Then my husband retired. COVID happened. And I started writing fairly regularly.

I realized that I would love to be at home more. I remembered that I love writing, and realized that without a publish-or-perish motivation to write academic tomes about libraries (yawn), I could write anything about anything.

So here I am, writing about life and goals and whatever comes to mind this week. I am double-dipping on two of my big picture goals: 1) write more; 2) explore possible post-retirement income streams.

When it comes to chips and dip, double-dipping is gross. But I’m no George Costanza, so my idea of double-dipping is a time management trick that moves you toward two goals simultaneously. This article is a prime example.

How can you make this work for you?



Marie F. Jones

Librarian-turned-Business Professor. Curious human. Random thoughts, leadership, photos, memoir, books.