Every Successful Self-Made Person Has Done This?

Marcus Tan
Published in
4 min readAug 6, 2022


A life of no regrets

Photo by Lord Capt. Coke’lat “Brown” Senior Commander from Pexels

I was looking out at a rich person one day driving out of his huge house, thinking to myself, what is it that makes a person successfully wealthy and another person poor?

We are not looking at those that inherited their wealth or had a windfall, but those that really made it by themselves either through their entrepreneurial pursuits, investments, business, career or invention.

Throughout the years of meeting successful people, here is the common theme.

They all took a jump

Photo by Mike from Pexels

They took a leap of faith in something that they truly believe in despite the fears and the odds being stacked against them.

Steve Harvey once said, “every successful person in this world has jumped”.

What does he mean by that?

Well, let me tell you. Eventually, in life, you are going to have to jump. You cannot just exist in this life.

You have to try to live

