Few People Are Willing to Do What It Takes to Succeed. A Story on the Power of the Hustle.

Zayn Patel
Published in
7 min readFeb 15, 2021


In 2020 I learned the power of the hustle. The ability to see something you want and chase after it. Whether it be an opportunity, a project, or a customer, it doesn’t matter. The hustle is this innate drive that you need to have in order to succeed. Nothing else should phase you or disrupt you from accomplishing your mission because you’re so locked in and are willing to do everything possible to reach that epitome.

The definition of hustle is — someone who is a go-getter. I think that’s a terrible way to describe the hustle. A go-getter is someone who works hard and tries to succeed while a hustler embodies a succeed or succeed mentality. There is no such thing as failure.

I recently came across Casey Neistat’s talk at HustleCon in 2017 and was amazed at the hustle process he endured and how it propelled the biggest moments of his career. As someone who adores Casey’s content and relishes in the feeling of the hustle, I wanted to indulge in his talk and describe my biggest takeaways.

I’m all about efficiency so here’s what I’m going to discuss today.

  1. The Power of the Hustle
  2. Used Case of the…



Zayn Patel

Working on space technology and policy, improving government with data science, and launching a cubesat mission.