Five Mental Shifts That Create Self-Powered Motivation And Energy

Let your profession fire you up instead of burning you out.

Michael Rauscher


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Let me take a guess. You want more from life and treat your profession with a particular obsession. An obsession that friends and family criticize from time to time: “You are working too hard. You should take some days off. Take it easier.”

Obsession is a negatively connotated word, but it simply states that you go “all in” on every action and fully commit to every opportunity. If you want to push forward with massive action, only a few people will understand.

Most people believe that energy is “used up” at the end of the day, which isn’t true. As famous scientist Albert Einstein stated, it can only be changed from one form to another.

If you keep having low energy, maybe you’re taking the wrong actions. Purposeless tasks, aimless activities, context switches, and indefinite boundaries drain your energy.

You don’t have to reconsider your whole working style. Stay obsessed with your goal and use these mental shifts to unleash your full power.

Set boundaries

The fact that you don’t set strong boundaries is a common energy drainer. As a result, you lack an undisturbed timeframe…



Michael Rauscher

Self-Improvement • I share ideas, habits, and systems for more mental power, purpose, and performance • Find me on