Forget Love Languages, Here’s Why You Need to Know the 5 Languages of Apology

Because not all sorry’s are created equal

Alexandra Walker-Jones
Published in
5 min readFeb 5, 2021


Mistakes happen, and try as we might to always be a good person, there will be times when the decisions we make have consequences that negatively affect the people we care about, and it’s our sole responsibility to pick up all the pieces.

Likewise, there will be times when the people we love and trust inevitably let us down, and send what’s left our of faith in humanity crashing to the floor… If we’re lucky — and if we have the type of friends worth keeping around — it’s probable that we, too, will find ourselves on the receiving end of a string of heartfelt apologies from time to time.

You see, we humans are fallible creatures, and remorse is often the price we pay for our actions at the expense of our (albeit well-intending) egos.

The trouble is, when to comes to our personal idea of what constitutes an adequate apology, we’re all on completely different pages. What communicates, “I’m sorry,” to me, might sound more like, “I’m sorry I got caught,” to you; what feels like a genuine request for forgiveness as it leaves the mouth of one individual, might more closely resemble an attempt to dismiss the issue, in the eyes of a second.



Alexandra Walker-Jones

Content writer and published author in the plant-based health and wellness sphere. I’m just here to learn!