Gratitude: The Best Advice I’ve Ever Received

Gratitude = Thanksgiving + Grace

Greg Longoria


Photo by Jon Tyler on Unsplash

Given that we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, I want to share with you the most valuable piece of advice I’ve ever received.

The advice I am sharing is THE secret weapon to help you live a healthier, happier, and more successful life. Here it is:

“Every day, cultivate an attitude of gratitude.” — Rick Warren

Gratitude, an antidote for stress

When I first heard this advice three years ago, I was in hand-to-hand combat with my arch enemy — stress. I longed for a sense of peace and ease, and I needed to reorient my inner compass. So I gave Rick’s advice a shot.

I rose early one morning with the goal of being grateful for my life. To welcome in the good and to focus on the positives.

It was dark. It was quiet. And a relaxation that I had not felt in months covered over me. I closed my eyes, not quite sure what to expect or what to do. For reasons I can’t explain, I was prompted to reach way back into my life, as far as I could remember.

Almost instantly, I was watching images from my early life flash in front of me. I was so surprised that I wondered



Greg Longoria

Entrepreneur. Encourager. I’m passionate about making wiser decisions and living a strategic and successful life.